Sunday, July 3, 2011

Welcome Welcome.

Alright well as you can see this blog is very bare bones at the moment, I'm not the most trained web designer in the world but things will begin to look nicer.....eventually.  Anyway, as you might have ascertained, I get annoyed with many a thing, some of those are real world some of those are fantasy world.  What can I say, I'm picky.  I will post my thoughts as they occur.  I am not, however, someone who only deals in negatives.  I would like to think I'm a generally positive person and will give credit where credit is due.

That being said lets begin today with the DC "reboot" as it were.

Now there's a concept for you, I wonder how that went down exactly?  One idiotic DC executive turns to another DC executive and says "what should we do to up readership and make things new and exciting?" then he punches that executive in the face! The other executive bewildered and confused, his nose bleeding says "We should restart everything!" I mean this is one of the only halfway plausible ways that this could have gone down.  I mean after all there are very few people who would be so stupid as to completely shit on 70 years worth of comic history.  Now I grant you, it is plausible that the current "Flashpoint" storyline will inevitably be the impact point for the DC restart and that it will be a temporary side show carnival stunt that the heads of DC think will be a great idea, but you know what else came from DC's "Good Ideas"?  Superboy Prime punching the universe that's what.  It always turns out stupid.  All I can do is hope that this is a temporary stunt that will only last a year at most.  Don't get me wrong, I love Babs as Batgirl and I'll never turn down an Adams Hughes cover. But I'd rather her get legs healed over the whole "suddenly back with no explanation. 

Now if they were smart, here's what they would have done, they would have said, "oh, hey, to get some new readership we'll make a secondary universe line that can help get new readers, and possibly young readers to to be able to enter the comic universe with less confusion but all you are going to do by attempting it in the main universe is just piss people off.

Here's  prime example

Seriously guys? this is supposed to be Harley? are you really serious?  Tira from Soul Calibur maybe, but not Harley.  And I know some of you are saying "what's wrong with it? Its Sexy!" That's not the point, I actually think its kinda hot too. My point is its not harley!  I'm all for goth multicolored corsets and hot red and black hair but she's a gymnast for frick sake, if she wears that they're gonna have to give her comic a mature rating (for those of you who don't get the joke I'm saying if she uses her any of her abilities her tits will flop out).  And Knives? Sledgehammers? what the hell is that?! They're completely changing her personality which I'm not ok with.  Harley is a happy go lucky goofball who likes toys and plushies and make-up and being girly but isn't above manipulations, coercion and violence to get her way.  She's a clown not a psychotic goth. If you want to make a dark female to give to joker, a more sadistic figure then create a different character with those traits to vie for joker's affections.  THAT would make sense. It would also be more interesting to read.  A love triangle with crazy people?  That would get my attention.  This kind of crap seriously irritates me and makes me a sad panda.

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